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Skyrim torrent

Fixed instance where player could get stuck in Japhets Folly Fixed rare issue where a dragon could appear in the Mind of a Madman realm and kill the player Fixed rare issue where player could be prevented from speaking with Atub to start The Cursed Tribe If you approach Frostmere Crypt from the north, The Pale Lady will start properly Fixed rare instance where Lovers Comfort would not be applied properly The Purity perk no longer requires the Experimenter perk Fixed a rare issue where the player would be unable to learn a word after leaving for several days during The Way of The Voice Fixed issue with merchants not receiving the proper additional gold with the Investor perk

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Locked door to Proudspire Manor can now be unlocked by proper key The Ebony Blade is now only improved by two handed perks Fixed issue with being erroneously attacked while as a werewolf during Ill Met By Moonlight Fixed rare issue with disappearing containers after upgrades in player owned house Fixed rare issue where player gets control locked outside the Thalmor Embassy at the start of Diplomatic Immunity Fixed issue with NPCs not selling master level spells Fixed rare issue with quest NPCs not properly moving to quest locations Fixed issue with using shouts while in jail and having guards unlock the jail cell Fixed conflict with clearing Driftshade Sanctuary before starting Trouble in Skyrim Fixed issue with receiving a duplicate radiant quest from a Jarl Fixed rare issue with visiting Kynesgrove on horseback not progressing A Blade in the Dark properly Fixed issue with followers becoming over-encumbered after being repeatedly rehired Fixed rare issue with being unable to turn in stolen items in The Litany of Larceny Vekel the Man now gives rewards for completing Toying with The Dead

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In No Stone Unturned Vex will now accept Unusual Gems if youve collected them all before starting the quest Gallus Encoded Journal is no longer a quest item after completing the Thieves Guild Fixed rare issue with bounty quest objectives not properly clearing after completion Cragslane Cave properly resets if player receives a radiant quest to clear it out The Dragon Infusion perk now works properly when taking Esberns Potion Thieves Guild caches are now properly enabled in the appropriate cities Fixed issue with paying off a crime against the Companions that prevented player from getting Companions quests properly Unused briar hearts can be dropped after finishing The White Phial If player marries Aela, the Totem of Hircine quest will be available The white phial is no longer consumed if given to a follower Fixed issue where Glory of the Undead would not start properly if player is in combat with Eorlund Gray-Mane Fixed a rare crash when attempting to save your game during Waking Nightmare Random dragon attacks will no longer occur during Battle for Whiterun Fixed rare crash when entering a player owned home Fixed rare crash when entering Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary Fixed rare issue with NPCs and creatures respawning improperly after player fast travels Fixed rare issue with certain ash piles left from resurrected NPCs not clearing properly Fixed rare issue where protected companions could be killed from poison damage Fixed a rare issue where player could become stuck in Night Mothers coffin during Death Incarnate Fixed rare instance where Alduin would become invincible during Alduins Bane

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Fixed rare issue where player is unable to learn the Clear Skies shout during The Throat of the World Companions will equip better weapons and armor if given to them Fixed issue with quest scripts that were not shutting down properly General memory and stability improvements Fixed issue with NPCs sleeping with open eyes

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This effectively removes the overall level cap. This will reset the skill to 15, return its Perks and allow the skill to affect leveling again. Legendary Skills - Skills of 100 can be made Legendary. Előbbi természetesen azt jelenti, hogy jobban fel kell kötnünk a gatyánkat, míg utóbbi annyit tesz, hogy a 100-as szintet elért képességeinket legendássá tehetjük, ezzel 15-ös szintre visszaállítva őket, hogy aztán újra, de ezúttal gyorsabban kimaxolhassuk ezeket - a Bethesda szerint ezzel effektíve eltávolították a képességeket érintő limitet. A frissítés a szokásos módon egy halom hibajavítást hoz, de ennél jóval fontosabb, hogy bemutatásra kerül a Legendary nehézségi szint és a Legendary képességek.

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